All About LAMP
More Than Just Books: How LAMP is Making Literacy Accessible to All
WQED, Pittsburgh’s local PBS station, released “More Than Just Books: How LAMP is Making Literacy Accessible to All” in 2025, showing how LAMP has changed lives by opening up a world of stories and information by providing books and other media in formats like audio books, large print, and digital braille to those with print disabilities. Meet the patrons, dedicated staff, and volunteers who make it possible, and see how LAMP is using technology to break down barriers to literacy.
The Story of LAMP
With candid interviews from patrons and staff, the story of LAMP in Pittsburgh is told by Dean Bog in his characteristic engaging and humorous style. Renovated, rebranded and renamed, the Library of Accessible Media for Pennsylvanians in Pittsburgh continues the practice that started well over 100 years ago of helping people access books and other materials in formats that work for them.

The Library of Accessible Media for Pennsylvanians (LAMP) is a program funded through the Pennsylvania Office of Commonwealth Libraries and administered throughout the state of Pennsylvania by Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh and the Free Library of Philadelphia.
LAMP Libraries are:
- Network Libraries of the Library of Congress’ National Libraries Service, Library for the Blind and Print Disabled;
- Have been serving blind Pennsylvanians since 1931 in the NLS Network and since the late 19th Century with the Home Teaching for the Blind in Philadelphia.;
- In 2020, through a joint rebranding plan, the two Regional Libraries changed to a single Statewide program named “LAMP: Library of Accessible Media for Pennsylvanians. This change replaces the two library names of LBPH;
- Conducted by LAMP locations at Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh and Free Library of Philadelphia;
- Circulates over 1.5 million titles in accessible formats like digital, digital download, Braille, print/Braille, large-print and Audio described DVDs to Pennsylvanians registered for our services who can’t access the printed page; and
- LAMP also provides readers advisory and outreach to residents statewide and a variety of programming at our locations in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia.
If you or your loved one can’t access standard print due to a change in your vision, dyslexia or because you physically can’t hold a book or turn its pages please let the staff at LAMP give reading back to you. LAMP is a completely free service that serves all ages.
LAMP circulates over 1.5 million titles in accessible formats like digital, digital download, Braille, print/Braille, large-print and Audio described DVDs to Pennsylvanians

Partner Libraries
History of LAMP
Explore the history of library service for print-disabled Pennsylvanians from the early 20th century through today.
Explore the history of library service for print-disabled Pennsylvanians from the early 20th century through today.
Find LAMP partners, including disability services providers and disability rights advocates.