
Registered users of the NLS service who are also BARD users can log in here to search BARD and download a title.
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Registered NLS users can sign up to use Bookshare but you don't have to be a registered Bookshare member to use their giant collection.
NLS Catalog

Not a member of the NLS service but still wish to search their Catalog and the catalogs of other Network Libraries? Then Voyager is for you. Free searching. No login required.
Audio, Braille, Print Braille

Registered members of the NLS service can search the National Library Service Catalogs. Members can sign in to search the WebREADs (OPAC) catalog and request a book.
Are you searching for a title that you can’t find in our collection?
You can request a specific title that is not in our catalog by submitting an online form, which is also available as a downloadable PDF.
You can request a specific title that is not in our catalog by submitting an online form, which is also available as a downloadable PDF.