How LAMP Works


Reading keeps you connected.

The Library of Accessible Media for Pennsylvanians offers people who cannot access the printed word a way to restore their love of reading by shipping for free materials in accessible formats like braille, audio, described movies and large print directly to patrons across Pennsylvania. In addition to physical content, LAMP also provides digital access to downloadable audio or braille to hundreds of thousands of titles. If you cannot read standard print due to blindness, a visual disability or because you can’t hold a book or turn pages or, if you have a reading disability such as dyslexia – then this service is for you. LAMP is made up of two National Library Service network libraries in Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh and Free Library of Philadelphia.

LAMP Eligibility

If standard print has become difficult to read for you, a friend, or a family member, you may be eligible for this service.

  • Blind
  • Deaf-Blind
  • Visually Disabled
  • Physically Disabled
  • Reading Disabled
Learn More About Who’s Eligible

Ready to become a member of LAMP?

Download or request a LAMP application.

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