DB 109153

Cover for “Who We Were In The Dark”

Who We Were In The Dark

Fiction, Suspense | Audio

“Donner Lake is famous for its dazzling waters, dramatic mountains, and the travelers trapped there long ago who did unspeakable things to survive. But for lonely Nora Sharpe, Donner was where a girl named Grace glided into her life one night and exploded her world. After that, every summer, winter, and spring break, Nora, her brother, Wesley, the enigmatic Grace, and their friend Rand left behind their real lives and reunited at Donner Lake. There, they traded truth and lies. They fell in love. They pushed each other too far. They came to know one another better than anyone in some ways, and not at all in others. But two years later, something has happened to destroy them. Grace is missing. And Nora must find her way through the unspoken hurts and betrayals of the last two years–and find her way back to Wesley and Rand–to figure out what exactly happened to Grace, the girl she thought she knew.” — Provided by publisher. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. For senior high and older readers.