What LAMP Offers

Accessible media for all.

Digital Audiobooks

Digital audiobooks, from the Library of Congress’ National Library Service and Network Libraries, are downloaded by library staff onto flash drive cartridges and sent and returned via the U.S. Postal Service entirely for free. Additionally, you can digitally download audio titles to your smartphone, tablet or personal electronic device though the Braille and Audio Reading Download (BARD) app. This service gives access to all of National Library Service’s titles.

Braille Books and Downloads

Braille books and downloads are available for all LAMP patrons. A large collection of digital braille files via BARD can be downloaded to a free Braille eReader issued by LAMP or the patron’s own refreshable braille device, either of which present braille text by electronically raising and lowering different combinations of pins in braille cells.

Digital Magazines

Digital magazines from the Library of Congress’ National Library Service are downloaded by library staff onto flash drive cartridges and sent and returned via the U.S. Postal Service entirely for free. Physical braille magazines are also available. Additionally, you can digitally download audio or braille magazines to your smartphone, tablet or personal electronic device through BARD.

Large Print Books

Large print books with a typeface of at least 14-point can be enjoyed by patrons with visual disabilities that allow for this level of acuity. Qualified users of our services have these books shipped free to their home. Large print books are available for patrons of all ages.

Tactile & Braille Early Literacy Kits

Tactile and Braille Early Literacy Kits and School Age Kits contain books with braille and print, textures, and sound buttons. Also included are toys and manipulatives to reinforce concept development such as puppets, touch-and-feel picture cards, games and more! For Preschool-Grade 2 and K-3

Audio Described DVDs

We lend movies statewide that come with audio-description that explains the action going on during the film so people who cannot experience movies visually can still enjoy and understand the story. Each DVD case is overlaid in braille that contains relevant information such as title and director. We have thousands of new releases and documentary titles to choose from. Enjoy an accessible movie today!


Bookshare is a fully accessible database that offers hundreds of thousands of additional automated digital titles that supplement the NLS collection. Registered users of the NLS qualify for Bookshare as well and can get a code for free access by calling 1-800-242-0586.

Apply for LAMP Services

Download or request an application for LAMP services.
